Tourist Information Centre - TIC Trutnov
Trutnov Tourist Information Centre - the first sight to visit before you travel.
If you need advice, recommendations, help or to buy a gift, we are here for you. We will be happy to provide you with all the information we have. Information we don´t have we will try to find out for you. We are in the building of the Old Town Hall on Krakonoš Square, where you can easily find us.

What we can do for you??
In addition to a kind smile and helpful staff, you will find many promotional materials for individual activities and visits that you can experience and discover in Trutnov and its surroundings. We sell gifts and souvenirs. If you need an Internet connection, it is available to you, as well as copying and scanning services.
About us
We are members of the Association of Tourist Information Centres of the Czech Republic (A.T.I.C. ČR) and we are certified in the system of the Unified TIC classification in Class B. We hold the certificate of the Czech Service Quality System II. degree. The founder of TIC Trutnov is the city of Trutnov, of which we are a contributory organization.
Where to find us
TIC Trutnov
Krakonošovo náměstí 72, 541 01 Trutnov
IČO 046 30 858
Director Hana Nýdrlová
Thank you to all dear contributors and institutions who helped us with setting up of this site. We were financially supported by the City of Trutnov, State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic (Decision No 1190800031 of 9 April 2020) and the Hradec Králové Region.
The photographs were made mainly by Miloš Šálek, Tomáš Havrda, Jiří Pešek and others.
The assistance was provided by Travelbakers, the Regional Destination Company of the Giant Mountains and the operators of individual attractions.
The website was created by the company Koncepto.
Summer season 15.6. – 15.9.
Monday to Friday 9:00 – 18:00
Saturday 9:00 – 12:00, 13:00 – 17:00
Sunday 9:00 – 15:00
Winter season 16.9. – 14.6.
Monday to Friday 9:00 – 17:00
Saturday 9:00 – 12:00
Sunday, public holidays closed
(public holidays: 1.1., Easter Fri - Mon, 1.5., 1.8., 28.9., 28.10., 17.11., 24.-26.12.)
Krakonošovo náměstí 72
541 01 Trutnov