Centre of contemporary Art EPO1
The EPO1 Contemporary Art Centre is different. Unlike many art galleries, it is not surrounded by important historical buildings and beautiful historical centres. It stands a bit apart, on the eastern outskirts of Trutnov. EPO1 is a centre full of energy, literally. In fact, the name EPO1, i.e. Elektrárna Poříčí 1, refers to the original function of the more than 100-year-old building. The historic building of the former first-republic power station is now being transformed into an art centre with an extensive exhibition area of 3,400 square metres.

The idea of EPO1, which is the largest private gallery in the Czech Republic, was born in the minds of Rudolf Kasper, owner and managing director of the Kasper Group, and his wife Renata. The unused building charged with genius loci charmed them so much that they decided to turn their dreams and visions into reality. At that moment, the first chapter of EPO1 began to be written.
The historic building, dominated by a huge turbine hall or substation with technical elements, underwent extensive renovation. At the end of it stands a monumental art gallery of supra-regional importance, focusing on the Central European space of contemporary and modern art. Be it sculptures, paintings, installations or photography.
One of the main ideas and goals of EPO1 is to support young artists and to make their works available to the public in the gallery space. It is with this in mind that the Fresh Power project was created, in which the centre purchases sculptures by artists of the youngest generation, building a varied and dynamic collection that is part of the permanent exhibition.
But the traces of EPO1 are not only visible in the gallery space or its immediate surroundings. As part of the Power for Space project, (EPO1) installs sculptures in public spaces where they can be encountered by both casual passers-by and art lovers walking purposefully behind them.
The activities of EPO1 go beyond the boundaries of fine art. As part of the ArtPoint project, it organises cultural events of a more intimate nature in the nearby St. Joseph's Chapel in the small village of Slavětín. In particular, concerts, lectures, performances and readings.
However, EPO1 does not forget the building's past in its magnificent premises. The permanent exhibition is devoted to the history of the Poříčí power plant, which dates back to 1912, and to the production of electricity in the Trutnov region.
Before you head for the mountains, let yourself be energised by the art in EPO1! It will be easier going uphill.
Not only will you be refreshed by the artworks, but you will also find everything you need in the local café.
The chapel of St. Joseph in Slavětín, a seemingly completely different element, is a kind of "detached" workplace of EPO1. The newly renovated and modernly furnished chapel of the same investors is transformed into a cultural booth with a unique chamber program every first Saturday of the month.
Trutnov - Poříčí, Elektrárenská 322