There he is again! A swirling, intoxicating, colourful and joyful festival of the new circus. Who knows, hurry up. Those who don't know and will know, will rush next time. This year's highlight is the premiere of Australian acrobats! Breathtaking stunts will once again be performed by Cirk La Putyka, Losers Cirque Company or the electrifying combination of world-class performers Highwire Entertainment awarded as the best circus of 2022. There will also be street acrobats and concerts.
Trutnov, Uffo Community Centre, chapitó and all around

Wednesday 31. 5.
- 17:30 Uffo Cirk La Putyka: SENSES
- 19:00 chapitó Cirkus Tety: KE ZDI
- 20:30 Uffo Dylan Phillips & Jordan Hart: SISSY (Australia, premiere)
Thursday 1. 6.
- 17:00 Uffo Losers Cirque Company: NESPOUTANÍ
- 18:30 Uffo - Gallery: Jan Jirák: III. DIMENZE
- 19:30 chapitó Losers Cirque Company: ŽENA, RŮŽE, PÍSEŇ, KOST
- 21:00 Uffo Dylan Phillips & Jordan Hart: SISSY
Friday 2. 6.
- 14:00 in front of Uffo Katedra nonverbálního divadla HAMU: TEĎ...NEJSEM
- 15:00 in front of Uffo Katedra nonverbálního divadla HAMU: UVNITŘ
- 16:00 chapitó Czech it out: A RIVEDER LE STELLE RELOADED
- 16:00 in front of Uffo and in the streets of the town Sacra cirkus: WALK ON STILTS SHOW
- 17:00 Uffo Cirk La Putyka: SENSES
- 18:00 Dolní Promenáda street: Eliška Brtnická: OBRYSY
- 19:00 chapitó Squadra Sua: PŘECHÁZENÍ
- 20:30 Uffo Highwire entertainment: THE DEFIANT
- 22:00 in front of Uffo Circus Brothers: CONCERT
Saturday 3. 6.
- 11:00 in front of Uffo Fysioart: SPISOVATEL
- 14:00 chapitó Czech it out: A RIVEDER LE STELLE RELOADED
- 15:00 in front of Uffo Lapso Cirk: OVVIO
- 16:00 in front of Uffo Labil Bones: ZA ČÁROU
- 17:30 chapitó Losers Cirque Company: ŽENA, RŮŽE, PÍSEŇ, KOST
- 19:00 in front of Uffo Holektiv: MASS.K
- 20:00 Uffo Highwire entertainment: THE DEFIANT
- 21:30 in front of Uffo Blackout Paradox: RECOMBINATION
- 22:00 in front of Uffo Cirk La Putyka: KONCERT
Sunday 4. 6.
- 11:00 chapitó Fysioart: HMYZÍ HOTEL BZZZZ
- 14:30 in front of Uffo Cirkuskus: MERRY CIRCUS SCHOOL
- 16:00 chapitó Bomba Cirkus: BOMBA!
- 17:00 in front of Uffo Labil Bones: ZA ČÁROU
- 18:00 in front of Uffo Koťátko zkázy: MISE OMEGA
Pre-sale tickets
- performances in the Uffo and in the chapitó: TIC Trutnov, CC Uffo reception, on line
- performances and concerts in front of Uffo and street performances free of charge