It's up to the dragon
A walk through old Trutnov legends in the town centre with a smartphone with the Geo fun app.
Your guide will be the great-great-great... grandson of the Dragon of Trunov, who was and is the "misfortune and blessing" of this town. He is, as grandchildren tend to be, a little crazy and a little mad. Your walk will be a bit like that.
At the beginning of It's up to the Dragon, move to Dragon Alley. The game will take you further.

You will pass through memorable places of old legends and you will help the dragon to light his extinct fire with your answers to the riddles. As for the individual quests, no one knows their wording in advance and they are only activated when you arrive at the initial designated location. The content of the task will be indicated by the so-called geosranda factors, which are 4 in total: physical, mental, embarrassment and fun. These are scored from 1 to 5 with 5 being the most difficult. Enough already, we won't reveal any more.
If you accept the guide's invitation to the Dragon Gallery, the walk will take you about two hours, and it's well worth it.