They're carrying him! or About our forest
The breathtaking and spectacular dragon festival is here! Once again, visitors will enjoy two days of energy, fun, creativity and a wonderful shared experience. On Saturday evening, after dark, Krakonoš Square will be dark with only the light of the torch shining through. Mysterious beings led by Albrecht of Trautenberg will bring a dragon and hang it on the tower of the Old Town Hall.

Summary programme
Download the detailed programme below (in Czech only)
Friday 5 May 2023
- 19:30 - 20:55 Acoustic Musical Instruments Nature Trail - participants meet at 19:30 at the pond in the city park, from there a mysterious guide will guide you through the different stations.
- 21:00 - 23:00 The Restaurant Zámeček - it is in the city park, it has been in the past for many years, but why not remember this formerly so popular place in the best way possible with music.
In case of bad weather, the Music Trail and other musical performances will take place under the archway of Krakonoš Square.
Saturday 6 May 2023
10:00 a.m. In front of the CSOB bank building.
- 10:05 Children's parade About Our Forest - from the CSOB bank building, costumes of forest animals are welcome.
- 10:30 a.m., 2 p.m., 4 p.m. Trdýlko Theatre - for children and adults
- 10:15-17:55 Main Stage Krakonoš Square - one concert after another
- 10:15-18:15 Marketplace Stage - One concert after another and here and there a wonder
- MYSTERIOUS UNDERGROUND AND EXPERIENCE OF COURAGE: in Vodní Street, opposite the cinema right under the hill, there is a mysterious underground passage... Going underground is not scary, but we recommend that children are accompanied by an adult gold digger.
- ABOUT OUR FOREST, ALL DAY PLAYING on the grassy area below the museum
- CHILDREN'S SCENE: after lunch in the area behind the Nelly Kellys Hotel
- AUROURA: the popular boat on wheels will be running from the Pod Hradem wine bar on School Street.
- BALL RACE by the post office building
- FOUR STATIONS OF DANAR - demonstrations by craftsmen on Krakonoš Square
- A PEDAL MACHINE on the Lower Promenade space
- FRIESIAN'S HORSES: approximate times of horse performances with dancers: 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.
- Craft show Museum Weaving Museum from the House under Jasan on the promenade
- AL RAŠÍD game station, that you won't find anywhere else on the plaza in front of the business academy
- HEY, MR. KING! LOOK HOW SMART WE ARE! in the parking lot under the Dragon Gallery shooting with a crossbow
- 9:00 p.m. in the parking lot behind the movie theater.
They're carrying him! Evening magical procession through the town centre, carrying the symbol of Trutnov - the dragon. It will then be hoisted onto the tower of the Old Town Hall, where it will remain until St. Michael's Day. After the hoisting, the main theme of this year's festivities - About Our Forest - will be briefly recalled.