Colourful autumn in Trutnov
Just as October colours the trees, Trutnov also offers a wide range of autumn experiences. The streets of the town will be lit up with the last frolics and the quiet and cosy Weavers' Museum in the House under the Ash Tree is organising a unique series of courses on traditional crafts of the Krkonoše Mountains.
Everyone according to their interest come and take a look.

Beet harvest - or Why Rýbrcoul counts the beets - 1. 10.
Rýbrcoul, the Lord of the Mountains, whom we call Krakonoš today and to whom we have attributed the kindly nature and the appearance of a wise old man, will descend in his original horned form with a procession of forest fairy creatures among the townspeople and will start his roars.
There is a plethora of events and performances lined up for the day.

Taking the dragon down from the old town hall - 1. 10.
The city's protector, the dragon, goes to its wintering place at the beginning of autumn. Knight Albrecht of Trautenberg and his entourage remove the dragon from the tower of the Old Town Hall, display it for photographs and then put it to rest to regain its strength until spring. Of course, there will be all sorts of games and competitions for children in the square.

Open pubs – 1. – 2. 10.
Since the day has started so nicely, it's a shame not to continue. Trutnov's pubs will be filled with different music tonight, all of them will be lively whole night.

Traditional Crafts of the Giant Mountains
The ancient highlanders knew how to use and process many of the things that current people buy in the shops today and do not think much about the originand production process. However, for those who would like to, there are a number of workshops. During these workshops, you will not only learn a lot of information about forgotten crafts, but you will also learn many modern techniques that will help you create beautiful things.
What's on the agenda
- 23.9. Herbalism and drying of fruits
- 8.10. Flax processing
- 10.10. Sheep shearing and wool processing
- 11.10. Dyeing and felting sheep's wool
- 11.11 Basketry techniques - wicker
Further information
Those who cannot attend the whole course can also sign up for individual seminars. It is a good idea to reserve a place for the whole programme and individual seminars as well in advance by emailing
The seminars are free of charge and are co-financed by the State Environmental Fund of the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic and the town of Trutnov.