Legendary origin of Trutnov thief´s tower
Among the men of the former Měšek's army was a servant of the Polish prince named Mnislav. He gathered 59 well-equipped fighters, both Czechs and Germans, as well as Poles at the beginning of 1003, and set off on a journey to the wild mountains. They settled down near the place where the Trutnov bridges are today.

The landscape was overgrown with bushes and thick forests, there were ravines, in the forests there was a lot of wild animals, especially deer. Already in those days there existed busy traffic to Bohemia. Mnislav and his companions built a camp at this strategic location. The huts were built of leaves, in which their food and armour were hidden. They also had a carriage with them, which was given to them by Měšek as a part of the agreement. There was enough food for everyone, as they were fishing a lot, hunting for venison and shooting birds with crossbows. The pastures were plentiful, so their horses were very well fed. As soon as they settled down, they began to raid passing merchants. Mnislav advised his companions to build a tower that would protect them and at the same time serve as a hiding place for looted goods. The proposal was approved, and everyone set to work. They took stones from the river Úpa and built a tower on the top of the hill. After its completion, they devoted themselves fully to robbery and shared the loot among themselves.
The thief's tower was situated on the site of the current Museum Podkrkonoší. Hüttel's Chronicle make us aware that counterfeit coins were produced in the castle's underground cellars.
Obviously, this venue was not a place of pure intentions and actions in the past.