Luminous Treasure
Sometime around 1850, a strange phenomenon appeared in Trutnov. Rumours spread around the town that a blue flame keeps appearing at the house no. 8, as a clear sign that a treasure was hidden somewhere nearby.

A few men who didn't believe in superstition wanted to know what it really was. They patrolled these places night after night and were patiently waiting for something strange to appear ... For a long time, their efforts seemed to be in vain, but their patience was finally rewarded. A blue flame suddenly happened to burn against the house wall under a hazel bush. The astonished men were unable to utter a sensible word and stood there in shock. After a while, they recovered and decided to start digging in that place. They quickly brought the necessary tools and set to work. At that moment, a powerful but not hostile voice spoke to the men: "You are trying in vain to find the treasure of a great value! Only the eleventh owner of this house will be allowed to find it ... "
After reading this legend, you may wonder:
“How many owners have already lived in this house. And who will finally get the treasure ?”