They are carrying him!
They are carrying him! Whom? The dragon. They are already carrying the dragon to hang him on the tower of the Old Town Hall to commemorate ancient events and kick off summer street festivities. This event every May is a reminder of the mythological origins of the city. The legend is preserved in the chronicle of Simon Hüttel from the 16th century..

Every year on the weekend around May 6th, major festivities take place in Trutnov. Their central theme is always a part of the legend, according to which in year 1006 the founders of the town led by the knight Albrecht of Trajtenberg killed a cruel dragon. The dragon picture is included In Turtnov’s heraldic emblem.
The festivities take two days, from Friday to Saturday. On Friday evening, there is a concert in a temporarily built fortress under the Podkrkonoší Museum as it is situated right on the site of the original castle.
Saturday is dedicated to the activities and attractions that belong to every celebration. Krakonoš Square will be transformed into a medieval stage, reminding us of a different character from legends each year. The surrounding area is flooded with a rich town fair full of craftsmen and folk artists.
The Václav Havel embankment and the Lower Promenade belong to workshops where everyone can take part and try out old crafts. Of course, there are swings, merry-go-rounds, and other attractions as well as stalls full of goodies of all kinds.
In the evening, after dark, the lights in the square go out and a procession of mysterious creatures led by the Knight Albrecht of Trautenberg riding on a horseback is carrying a dragon. After a short performance of folk artists, the dragon is pulled up and hung on the tower of the Old Town Hall, where it will remain until September when the feast of St. Michal the dragon fighter takes place.
This is the end of the festival and the streets are open to other summer joyful activities.
During the festival the Dragon gallery is closed.